A Guide to Maximise Prevayl Sensor Lifespan
The Prevayl SmartWear™ range combines convenience and comfort to enhance your workout experience. With its compact design and rechargeable battery, the Sensor offers hassle-free usage and eliminates the need for battery replacements.
In this article, we will explore the features of the Sensor, its battery performance and how to maximise its lifespan.
Small, Yet Powerful
The team at Prevayl has prioritised user experience by designing the Sensor to be small and unobtrusive during workouts, which ensures that it does not interfere with your exercise. The compact lithium-ion rechargeable battery further contributes to its convenience, allowing for extended usage without the hassle of purchasing and replacing batteries.
Battery Performance and Usage
Careful consideration went into selecting the battery for the Sensor. Whether it’s a workout or a BodyCheck™, the Sensor is designed to last. Unlike other heart rate Sensors, you won’t have to worry about buying and replacing batteries; simply charge it using the provided USB cable.
To give you a better idea of the battery performance, below are some statistics from a Sensor with v21.1.0 firmware.
Battery Life in Sleep Mode
During periods of inactivity, the Sensor conserves battery power. The graph illustrates the battery percentage over time, indicating the device’s extended lifespan when not in use.
Test was conducted using a new Sensor at 100% charge and was tested to take around 125 hours to reach 0% when left not connected to Bluetooth and with the sensing pads not touching anything.
Battery Life During An Activity
When actively using the Sensor, i.e. you’re doing a workout or a BodyCheck™, the graph below shows the battery percentage reducing over time, highlighting its longevity during workouts. This provides peace of mind, ensuring that the device won’t run out of power during a class.
Test was conducted using a new Sensor from 100% charge and connected to a heart rate simulator.
The results of the test show that during activities it would take around 37 hours to reach 0%.
Efficient Charging
Charging your Sensor is quick and efficient. Even if you find that it has a low battery before a workout, just a quick five-minute charge will give you enough power for an hour of usage. The graph below illustrates the battery percentage increase during charging, demonstrating how rapidly the Sensor replenishes its power.
Test was conducted using a new Sensor from 0%.
The results of the test show that it takes 1.5 hours to reach 100% when connected to a socket with USB and not connected to a phone with Bluetooth.
Depending on the particular battery, the level may continue to drop beyond what is shown as 0% so if the Sensor is completely out of charge then it may take a few minutes to reach the level which is shown as 0% in the above graph. Likewise, the battery may be able to continue charging beyond what is shown as 100%. This is due to the protection we have in place to ensure the battery never hits a true 100% or 0% to prolong the life of the battery, as per standard practice with consumer electronics.
It is advisable to remove the Sensor from charging once the LED indicator turns green (which indicates that the battery is at 90%) to optimise the battery’s performance and longevity.
A Few Notes About Our Testing
Lithium-Ion batteries can be quite variable and how they charge and discharge can be unintuitive. For example: charging and discharging is not symmetrical or linear; charging happens in a curve whereas discharging is relatively flat when you look at the percentage.
For our testing, a new Sensor was used which had only been charged and drained a few times. The Sensor was fully charged before the discharge testing was done each time and when looking at our graphs you may expect to see a similar lifetime only in similar circumstances. Please consider these graphs as representations of best-case scenarios. If you have been using your Sensor for an extended period, it is reasonable to anticipate an additional half an hour for reaching 100% during charging or a slightly reduced battery life when left idle for a few hours.
Things like the age of the Sensor, whether it is fully charged from a flat or only part charged, and temperature can all make the battery lifetime vary and potentially decrease noticeably, which is common for lithium-ion batteries. Whilst we anticipate that the majority of our Sensors can maintain a similar lifetime based on our tests, it is important to acknowledge that there may be a few instances where performance may be different.
Need Help With Your Sensor?
If you encounter any issues with the Sensor’s battery performance, or you believe that your Sensor isn’t performing as expected, please feel free to reach out to us at enquiries@prevayl.com. We will be more than happy to assist you and discuss replacement options.